

The Federation of Radio Amateurs of Cata­lonia (FeRaCat) was formally established in 2013, promoted by a group of Catalan radio clubs/associations of radio amateurs, members of the EA Digital Federation (FEDI-EA), moving from acting as a working group of this, to be an spin-off.

One of the motivations, to finally take the step that year, was to be able to become a founding member of the European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO), whose statutes it co-authored.

The following year, 2014, FeRaCat wanted to formalize its good relationship with FEDI-EA by signing a Collaboration Agreement.

Later, in 2016, FeRaCat and FEDI-EA jointly signed a Collaboration Agreement with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), in order to assist the Higher School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa (ESEIAAT) and give legal cover to the Terrassa Ground Station (TGS), a satellite station intended for scientific and research uses.

In 2017, FeRaCat became a member of the Federation of Internationally Recognized Catalan Organizations (FOCIR).

Also in 2017, in order to make itself known more, it participated in the merca-HAM (Cer­da­nyo­la del Vallès, Spain) and HAM RADIO (Frie­drich­shafen, Germany) exhibitions.

FeRaCat at HAM RADIO 2017

In 2019, together with the other EURAO member associations in Spain, it held a meeting with the SEAD, on the occasion of the 2m crisis, triggered by France, in which the allocation, to the Amateur Service, of the 144-146 MHz band was in danger.

Fortunately, thanks to the good work done here, and to the similar carried out by other associations in other countries, it was possible to stop this initiative at the CEPT level.

During all this time, FeRaCat has also been contributing to the operation of the QSL Exchange Center (CIQ), linked to the Euro­Bureau­QSL (EBQ) of the EURAO, in charge of the distribution of QSL cards in EA and C3, for both ham and CB.

Projects prior to the foundation of FeRaCat in which it has participated: multi-club activities, CQ ENCE, advice to the Generalitat de Ca­ta­lu­nya in matters of amateur radio, resolution of the problem with antennas in the city of Barcelona, school-ISS contact, cooperation with the NGO Radioamateurs Without Frontiers, etc.

But what we excel at is the services to our members.